Membership plans
SEA Explorer
per Month
Courses included: 1
$1000 paid every 3 months. Plan includes:
- 1 Course
- 50-minute private online classes
- Meet with the same instructor each class
- Full Access to the course material (worksheets, slides, videos & more)
- Includes 12 1-in-1 Live tutoring classes
- Timed & interactive quizzes
- Automated test results
- Track your progress
- Live Zoom Classes
- Additional sibling/friend enrolling in any SEA course same time and receive an additional $50 discount
- Redeem coins and save
- One online platform to access classes, projects, and your Personal Tutor
CSEC Builder
per Month
Courses included: 1
$1100 paid every 3 months. Plan includes:
- 1 Course
- 50-minute private online classes
- Meet with the same instructor each class
- Full Access to the course material (worksheets, slides, videos & more)
- Includes 12 1-in-1 Live tutoring classes
- Timed & interactive quizzes
- Automated test results
- Track your progress
- Live Zoom Classes
- Additional sibling/friend enrolling in any SEA course same time and receive an additional $50 discount
- Redeem coins and save
- One online platform to access classes, projects, and your Personal Tutor
STEM Innovator
per Month
Courses included: 1
$1600 paid every 3 months. Plan includes:
- 1 Course
- 50-minute private online classes
- Meet with the same instructor each class
- Full Access to the course material (worksheets, slides, videos & more)
- Includes 12 1-in-1 Live tutoring classes
- Timed & interactive quizzes
- Automated test results
- Track your progress
- Live Zoom Classes
- Additional sibling/friend enrolling in any SEA course same time and receive an additional $50 discount
- Redeem coins and save
- One online platform to access classes, projects, and your Personal Tutor
Bronze Plan
per Month
Courses included: 5
Featured courses quote included: 2
This is a bronze membership plan which gives you access to essential features, basic analytics, and limited support.
- Up to 5 hours per month
- Access to a limited number of tutoring sessions
- Basic homework help and support
SME Standard Plan
Courses included: 1
Featured courses quote included: 1
This is a standard, one-time fee that gives you access to all the features to study in our portal.